All my bags are packed


It's always a sad and happy moment when your child leaves the house they have called for many years their home. Let me quickly say that my younger daughter is not leaving for good, but just the feeling is still as strong.

Are you ready to play?

2020-07-01T18:39:50+00:00design, marketing|

There are many reasons why we play. I have included a link to a report written by Nicole Lazzaro of XeoDesign in CA. It is very thoughtful and worth reading. Throughout time games have been a method of bringing people together. From the Aztecs to the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans. People enjoy watching and participating. It was as early as the 1940's that computer aided games caught our attention. The question we should consider is why do we keep returning to play?

On your mark


Many people think that educators wave goodbye to their students at the end of the previous school year and spend the next few months at some exotic beach. The truth is that preparing the right materials, lesson plans, and learning environment do not happen over night. While August may be an exciting time for incoming students, for most teachers it is the month dedicated to find that mark.

The Doctor


With everything that we try to do and cram into each day its not surprise that some people get a little uptight from time time. There are many ways one can relax and alleviate some of the stress from a hard days work, tough assignments, or just problems that have to do with relationships and life in general...

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